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Friday, Dec 1, 2023 8:00PM
Singers at A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

A Festival of Nine Lessons and Carols

Department of Music at Emory
Single Ticket Price: $20
Please note:  This concert takes place at Glenn Auditorium/Glenn UMC.

View or download the concert program here.

Heralding the beginning of the Christmas season, this candlelit choral concert at Emory has been a warm and welcoming Atlanta tradition for decades. The tradition continues this year with choral music from the Emory Concert Choir and University Chorus under the direction of Dr. Eric Nelson and scripture readings by special guests from the Emory community.

Directions to Glenn Memorial UMC are available here.

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Friday, Dec 1, 2023 8:00PM


Glenn Auditorium


Glenn Auditorium | Glenn UMC
Seating is General Admission

Unfortunately, tickets are no longer available online for this event. Please contact the box office at 404-727-5050, Monday – Friday, noon – 6 p.m. for the latest ticket availability information.

Online sales end three hours before performance start times. To get tickets when online sales are unavailable, please call or come to the box office at (404) 727-5050 during regular business hours, Monday - Friday, noon - 6 p.m., or visit the venue box office an hour before the performance to check ticket availability.

If you have a promo code, enter it at the top right of your screen before selecting your tickets. Please note that unless you have a promo code, discounts are only available over the phone and in-person. If you qualify for an Emory-affiliated, senior, student, or other discount, but proceed with an online order, we are not able to retroactively apply your discount.
Online orders incur a $6 convenience fee added at checkout. 

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